Newsletter November 2016

New feature in dob and dob pro: Evaluation exercise


dob captures now any typing and clicks on your computer screen, whether these are right or wrong and measures the time span between any action on the computer screen.

Evaluation button dob Evaluation button dob pro

A simple click on the «Evaluation» button in the main menu will open access to the evaluation of the 50 exercises last edited.


Three examples:

evaluation 1

Evaluation 1: Module spot – Gaze Switching horizontal

Observations and interpretations

  • Needs much more time for objects at the right edge of the screen.
  • At the right side many clicks outside the objects.
  • Restrictions of the visual field?



evaluation 2

Evaluation 2: Module spotPlus – Search and find shape

Observations and interpretations

  • Confuses shapes (filled square with frame)
  • No systematic search
  • Overwhelmed with increasing number of objects



evaluation 3

Evaluation 3: Module track – Collecting goals

Observations and interpretations

  • Knows the collected objects
  • Increasing muscle spasms
  • Difficulties with movements away from and towards the body



Complete the evaluation in the text field with your personal notes.
In the user manual all new features are explained and documented with images.
user manual dob – Chapter 4
user manual dob pro – Chapter 12



New object category

A new object category is added to dobs objects: Musical instruments. To discover with fun, the new objects are accompanied with a matching sound. Find the updated object list here.



dob and dob pro: Available now for Android

Good news for Android tablet user: dob pro and dob are from now on also available as an android app on Google Play.



Get it on Google Play


dob pro

Get it on Google Play





Newsletter May 2016

New: dob exercise category «Visual Field»

The update now includes new features like animated backgrounds and targeted placement of objects. With this, dob has been enhanced through the exercise category Visual Field. The new exercises are particularly suitable for use in neglect and hemianopia therapy. They help to develop and train strategies to compensate for visual field loss.


Sakkaden 1 Sakkaden 2

Saccadic eye movement 1

With or without animated, stimulating background on request.

Saccadic eye movement 2

Exercises both for adults and children.



Exploration 1



Exploration 2

Visual scanning 1

For example: geometric shapes.

Visual scanning 2

For example: mathematical characters.



Like all exercices in dob, the new visual field exercices can be adapted to meet the individual needs of learners, using key commands or gestures on a touch screen.
Change, for example, velocity of the background animation or size and opacity of the requested objects and even create your own exercises with the integrated editor.


You will find the new category listed in the modules spot and spotPlus or in the skill » Attention » Visual Field


In the user manual and the keyboard shortcuts and touchscreen gestures list, all new features are explained and documented with images.. New tutorialsare added regularly. Currently: Export / Import exercises.




Newsletter August 2015


Visual Skill


With dob, learners will train the most important visual skills:

  • Object recognition and differentiation
  • Color recognition and differentiation
  • Figure-ground perception
  • Hand and eye coordination
  • Face and facial expression recognition
  • Search strategies
  • Visual memory
  • Contrast sensitivity
  • Motion perception
  • Visual attention
  • Ocular motility

→  Brief portrait on YouTube


New: dob goes mobile!

The dob iPad app is now available in the App Store. The perception training will therefore run independently of any internet connection. You will now be able to work offline with learners you assist in your care on a tablet or online on a larger stationary workplace.


New: Two Versions

Both, App and online version are available in two different versions.

→  dob versions (pdf)


Logo dob


Basic version containing a set of 10 exercices covering the most important visual skills and with placeholder for 10 additional exercises.

For children and parents or as a starter package for potential users.

dob as an App can be upgraded to dob+. The upgrade enables the same complete and structured set of exercises as dob pro but without individual support planning tools.


Logo dob pro

dob pro

Full version, containing more than 2000 exercises sorted by visual skill or module and tools to assist individual support planning.

Enables ambitious professionals the deliberate selection from an broad range of exercises and options as well as the creation of personal, individually adapted exercises and the provision and organisation of exercises and lectures for learners.



dob and dob pro are available in six languages at

profax online
and in the App Store for iPad.

   dob pro



How to unlock the online-versions for your personal work will be explained here.





Newsletter August 2014


Logo dob


dob – Observation and training of visual skills




visual skill


→  Brief portrait on YouTube


Now available: two additional modules

track und trace reveal a new field of training for visual and perception skills as well as for psychomotricity, ergotherapy and physical rehabilitation.

The main focus of the 1000 new exercises is the precise training of the hand-eye-coordination.



Modul track

track   Follow a track


Task: Move an object with the mouse, the arrow keys or your finger (touchscreen) along a line.


track Beispiel 1 track Beispiel 2

Move the blue circle to the target without touching the outlines.

Try to collect all the stars with the moon.



Modul trace

trace   Follow an object


Task: Move an object with the mouse, the arrow keys or your finger (touchscreen), to follow another object.


trace Beispiel 1 trace Beispiel 2

Trace the arrow with the pen - The track will disappear as soon as the pen is in motion.

A line will be indicated at the end of the exercise.


trace Beispiel 3


trace Beispiel 4

Catch the mouse - The track will disappear as soon as the owl is in motion.

At the end of this exercise you will see how many mice you actually caught.




Now available: your personal favorites


As from now, exercises can be marked with a star and therefore be safed in your Favorites, programmed as a shortcut. Put your favorite exercises into groups to your personal preferences.




Permanently reduced price


A one-year license for dob is available now for a price of CHF 19.– bzw. € 16.–.